Currency Outlook Based on Big Data: Over 59% Hit Ratio In 3 Months

3 Month Currency Forecast from October 30, 2016, to January 30, 2017

Forex Forecast Based on Deep Learning: Over 61% Hit Ratio In 3 Months

3 Month Currency Forecast from October 27, 2016 to January 27, 2017

Currency Forecast Based on Algorithmic Trading: 68% Hit Ratio In 3 Days

3 Day Currency Forecast from January 22nd, 2017, to January 25th, 2017

Forex Outlook Based on Predictive Analytics: Over 65% Hit Ratio In 14 Days

14 Day Currency Forecast from January 10th, 2017, to January 24th, 2017

Currency Predictions Based on Genetic Algorithms: Above 61% Hit Ratio In 3 Months

3 Month Currency Forecast from October 23rd, 2016, to January 23rd, 2017