GBP/GPY currency forecast based on algorithms: chart of the last 10 months

I Know First, a startup company, has successfully predicted the price of GBP/JPY. stock throughout the past year and has a strong track record tracing back even further, by analyzing fundamental variables such as volatility, volume, and short-term trends. The chart shows the algorithm’s predictions for the past year. (GBP/GPY) stock forecast from June 7th […]

Currencies Prediction: 8.03% gain in 90 days

Here is October 15th 2013 3 month prediction. Click on the image to enlarge it and read more about it.

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Currencies prediction: 5.00% gain in 90 days

Here is August 1st’s 3-month prediction. Click on the image to enlarge it and read more about it.

Currencies prediction: 6.61% gain in 3 months

Here is July 21st’s 3-month prediction. Click on the image to enlarge it and read more about it.
