I Know First’s unique algorithm predicts the movements of currency pairs by analyzing past data and identifying current trends. Below are the most recent pairs of past forecasts and the actual forecast results.

Hedge Fund Model – Daily Re-Adjustment Swing Trading (Currencies + Stocks + Interest rates)

The following charts represent various back tests which use the signal data from the I Know First currency prediction table. Tests were made from July 1st 2014 to September 30th 2015.

Currency News: Euro gains 1.8% on U.S. Dollar

European Central Bank president Mario Draghi has come under fire of late for his inability to weaken the Euro.

Currency forecast: 64% Hit Ratio

14 Days Currency Prediction from September 21th to October 4th

Currency Projections Based on Artificial Intelligence: 60% Hit Ratio

1 Month Currency Prediction from August 30th to September 30th

Currency Predictions: 80% Hit Ratio

7 Days Currency Prediction from September 22nd to September 29th