Exchange Rate Forecast Based on AI: Almost 63% Ratio In 14 Days

14 Day Currency Forecast from January 6th, 2017, to January 20th, 2017

Currency Outlook Based on Artificial Intelligence: Over 73% Hit Ratio In 7 Days

7 Day Currency Forecast from January 10th, 2017, to January 17th, 2017

Currency Forecast Based on Big Data: Over 61% Hit Ratio In 3 Months

3 Month Currency Forecast from October 11th, 2016 to January 11th, 2016

Currency Predictor Based on Self-Learning Algorithm: 68% Hit Ratio In 1 Month

1 Month Currency Forecast from November 27th, 2016 to December 28th, 2016

Currency Forecast Based on Self-Learning Algorithm: Over 74% Hit Ratio In 1 Month

1 Month Currency Forecast from November 1st, 2016 to December 1st, 2016