Currencies Trading: 60% Success Rate in 1 Month

1 Month currency prediction from February 22nd 2015 until March 22nd 2015

Currency Forecast Based On Algorithms: 69.57% Hit Ratio

3-Month currency prediction from December 16th 2014 until March 16th 2015

Backtesting Trading Strategies – Forex & Currencies 28% in 7 Months

The test buys or short sells the 4 strongest signals every day using US market opening and closing prices. Using no leverage the return of this portfolio was 28.38%; the biggest gainer was the USD/RUB which alone had a return of 32.40%.

Currency Prediction: 60% Success Rate in 30 Days

30 days currency prediction from January 16th 2015 until February 16th 2015

Currency Trading: 61.11% Success Rate In 3 Months

3 months currency prediction from September 28th 2014 until December 28th 2014
