About Us
I Know First: Daily Market Forecast provides and paramount investment foresight based on advanced self-learning algorithms to build superlative investment strategies. Our market forecasting system predicts more than 1,400 markets: stocks, world indices, currencies, commodities.
Co-Founder Dr. Lipa Roitman, a scientist, with over 20 years in the artificial intelligence (AI) & machine learning (ML) fields developed an innovative self learning algorithm that tracks and predicts the flow of money from one market to another and produces daily predictions for the following periods:
- Short term: 3 days, 7 days, 14 days
- Long term: 30 days, 90 days & 365 days
Click here to also view our Gold Forecast or our Stock Forecast websites.
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If anybody is skeptical, the information provided is excellent.”
– Fund Manager and I Know First Customer
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