Weekly Currency Review: GBP struggles as Theresa May exits

Theresa May’s exit offers little hope for GBP On May 24, Theresa May resigned from her position as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. This, unfortunately, offered little hope for the pound to bounce back from a month-long struggle, with the currency dropping 2.9% against the US dollar just in May. With the fears of […]

Weekly Currency Review: USD Grasps Big Win In Trade War Against China

US dollar beats Chinese yuan amid escalating tensions USD/CNY continues its hike, fueled by escalating tensions emanating from the heated US-China trade war. Early this week, USD/CNY reached 6.9 and the ratio remains comfortably in that vicinity. USD/CNY increased by 1.41% in the 7-day range of last week’s forecast, as correctly predicted by I Know […]