Euro Money Features I Know First On August 31, 2016: Future of FX Trading
Euro Money Features I Know First
During the past week, both co-founders of I Know First, Yaron Golgher (CEO) and Dr. Roitman (CTO), were featured for an interview on Euro Money, to discuss at length the future of AI algorithmic trading, specifically with regards to forex trading.
The article had discussed the advantages that AI has over human traders, specifically in regards to overcoming human fallacy, as well as adapting to changes more efficiently. Although not many AI- based algorithms currently are able to process forex in trades, the I Know First algorithm is one of the few that is able to, and a competitive advantage that it has over others is the filtering technique used by the algorithm.
As Dr. Roitman explained, “What is particular about our algorithm is that every forecast is accompanied by a number – we call it ‘predictability’ – that indicates the quality of the learning,” he says. “Then we sort the entire universe of forecasts and pick the most probable opportunities.” For more about how the algorithm operates, click here.
The particular importance of the new AI technology comes at a point when large financial intuitions and central banks are attempting to put in place new measures to navigate global economies today. Although many believe that it is hard for AI-based algorithms to systematic changes, the contrary holds true. That is, with newer financial instruments and changes occurring on a global level human economists are having trouble to cope and foresee changes ahead, however, the advanced AI technology, such as that of I Know First, is becoming more able to cope with these type of changes.
Additionally, as the article mentions, hedge funds and other investment institutions have as well begun to use algorithms more and more in their everyday affairs.
Click here to read the full article, and find out more about what CEO Yaron Golgher believes the future holds for AI based algorithmic trading.
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