EUR/USD Currency forecast based on algorithms: chart of the last 10 months

EUR/USD currency forecast from April 13th 2013 till February 1st 2014.

EUR/JPY forecast based on algorithms: chart of the last 10 months

EUR/JPY currency forecast from April 13th 2013 till February 1st 2014.

EUR/USD Forecast Based On Algorithms: Chart Of Last 10 Months Predictions

I Know First, a start-up company, has successfully predicted the price of the EUR/USD throughout the past 10 months and has a strong track record tracing back even further, by analyzing fundamental variables such as volatility, volume, and short-term trends.

USD/JPY Forecast Based On Algorithm: Chart Of Last 7 Months Predictions

I Know First, a startup firm, has successfully predicted the price of USD/JPY throughout the past year by analyzing fundamental variables such as volatility, volume, and short-term trends. The Chart shows the algorithm’s predictions for the past year. USD/JPY forecast from November 24th 2012 till June 6th 2013. The forecast is based on the 90 days […]

Algorithmic Prediction for the EUR/USD Currency Pair

Here is a chart of the algorithm’s recent EUR/USD predictions. Click on the image to enlarge it and read more about it.
