I Know First’s unique algorithm predicts the movements of currency pairs by analyzing past data and identifying current trends. Below are the most recent pairs of past forecasts and the actual forecast results.

Currency Forecast Based on Genetic Algorithms: 61.54% Hit Ratio in 3 Months

3 months Currency Forecast from October 13th, 2017 to January 13th, 2018.

Currency Ranking Based on Genetic Algorithms: 66.67% Hit Ratio in 7 Days

7 day Currency Forecast from January 3rd, 2018 to January 10th, 2018.

Exchange Rate Forecast Based on Machine Learning: 65.63% Hit Ratio in 3 Days

3 day Currency Forecast from January 4th, 2018 to January 7th, 2018.

Forex Forecast Based on Machine Learning: 60.61% Hit Ratio in 3 Days

3 day Currency Forecast from December 4th, 2017 to December 7th, 2017.

Best Currency Based on Genetic Algorithms: 68.57% Hit Ratio in 7 Days

7 day Currency Forecast from November 24th, 2017 to December 1st, 2017.