Currency Forecast Based on Predictive Analytics : 68.52% Hit Ratio in 3 Days

Currency ranking for 3 days from November 2 2018 to November 5 2018.

Forex Pairs Ranking Based on Algo Trading: 64.81% Hit Ratio in 3 Days

Currency ranking for 3 months from October 28, 2018 to October 31, 2018.

Forex Pairs Expectations Based on Algorithmic Trading: 72.22% Hit Ratio in 3 Months

Currency ranking for 3 months from July 31, 2018 to October 31, 2018.

Forex Pair Outlook Based on Data Mining: 70.37% Hit Ratio in 3 Days

Currency ranking for 3 days from October 26, 2018 to October 30, 2018.

Forex Pairs Indicators Based on AI: 72.22% Hit Ratio in 7 Days

Currency ranking for 7 days from October 23, 2018 to October 30, 2018.