Forex Forecast Based on Machine Learning: 68.57% Hit Ratio in 7 Days

7 day Currency Forecast from January 15th, 2018 to January 22th, 2018.

Currency Ranking Based on Genetic Algorithms: 66.67% Hit Ratio in 7 Days

7 day Currency Forecast from January 3rd, 2018 to January 10th, 2018.

Exchange Rate Forecast Based on Machine Learning: 65.63% Hit Ratio in 3 Days

3 day Currency Forecast from January 4th, 2018 to January 7th, 2018.

Best Currency Based on Genetic Algorithms: 68.57% Hit Ratio in 7 Days

7 day Currency Forecast from November 24th, 2017 to December 1st, 2017.

Best Currencies Based on Genetic Algorithms: 66.67% Hit Ratio in 3 Days

3 day Currency Forecast from November 24th, 2017 to November 27th, 2017.