Currency Predictions: 60.00% Success Rate In 2 Weeks

14 days currency prediction from April 7th 2015 until April 21st 2015

Currency News: EUR/USD Outlook

Currently, 1 euro is equivalent to $1.06. This is a drastic change from 2011, when the difference between the two currencies was more than 50 cents greater. Now, the question has become whether the value of the dollar will surpass that of the euro.

Currency News: Central Bank Activity Sends Dollar Surging

For the past eight months, the US dollar has appreciated on a trade-weighted basis at a faster pace than during any period of the same time previously.

Currencies Trading: 60% Success Rate in 1 Month

1 Month currency prediction from February 22nd 2015 until March 22nd 2015

Backtesting Trading Strategies – Forex & Currencies 28% in 7 Months

The test buys or short sells the 4 strongest signals every day using US market opening and closing prices. Using no leverage the return of this portfolio was 28.38%; the biggest gainer was the USD/RUB which alone had a return of 32.40%.
